6/6/2010 7:26:00 AM
6/6/2010 7:41:00 AM
6/6/2010 8:48:00 AMthanx for the rpeort.

The Quadfather
6/6/2010 10:25:00 AM
6/6/2010 11:54:00 AM
6/6/2010 12:02:00 PM
Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service
I had an interesting day on Shannon today. I started out in my favorite big fish spot about midway up the lake past the bottleneck by the stumps. I had decided to target big fish for a few hours and then go look for kokanee. Using my two pole permit I started out with a UV dodger and a pink and purple wedding band spinner tied with some holographic flash on one rod at 20 pulls. The second rod was set-up with a silver needle fish and fished at 30 pulls. I was running a double hook rig tied long with the spinner and a worm was threaded on both the spinner rig and the spoon. Right off the bat the spoon hooked a large dolly, probably 22”+ and at least 3 pounds. After resetting, the spinner rod went off and I caught another large dolly, both released unharmed.
About an hour later and in the same area I was fishing a smiley blade/mini squid combo and one of the rods goes off. Initially I thought it was a kokanee but the rod seriously loads up and the fish hits the road, persistently stripping line. Somewhere just short of the knot I get it turned around and fight it for another 15 minutes, thinking that I am winning the battle…wrong! The fish heads out of town again, stripping line until I can see the spool. Motor in gear I chase the fish for a couple hundred yards and finally gain some line on it. I get it up alongside the boat and it is a large chinook, maybe 8-12 or 14 pounds. Having only my kokanee net I headed for the beach thinking that I could beach the boat and get the fish up in some shallow water for a photo op. Wrong again, at that point I was solidly up in the stumps and the fish ended up breaking off before posing for a picture. The whole thing was quite an experience…I am still shaking!
A short while later the action died so I headed down towards the dam to fish for kokanee with feed eggs and corn or salmon eggs but that effort was short lived. I was getting a lot of bites but not catching a lot of fish. The fish that I was catching were a mix of kokanee and 4-6”salmon smolts so I made another move and over the side went my usual kokanee trolling gear. I trolled for another couple hours (no bait) and caught a few 10-12” kokanee and the skinniest 12” trout I have ever seen. Shortly there after I called it a day and headed in. Between the sun, no breeze and some lucky take downs it was an incredible day.
Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service