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Riffe Lake Report
Lewis County, WA




Used a crawdad jig, same as I used to catch the Smallmouth that I caught at Alder a few weeks ago just to see if the kokes would bite it and man let me tell you they ate it up, trolled it only 20 to 30 feet back with smelly craw stuff on it and I could not keep my line in for a minute before I would have another bite and on my pontoon boat with the wind and current made it tough to bring them in, had two double hook ups one of the two I ended up throwing one fish in the cooler and then picking up the other rod, lost the net because I just let it go to grab the other rod and did not think about where the net would end up, so here comes the other fish to my feet and I look back for the net, nowhere to be found so reached around back opened the cooler and did a slam dunk in the cooler and unhooked him later. Second double hook up tied one fish up into my stringer and suprisingly enough brought him in, thought for sure I was going to lose him and wound up losing the one not wrapped up at my feet. Lost at least ten at my feet, kinda hard to keep the pontoon from bobbing around when the current and wind against each other make lots of chop then had to keep out of other fishermans way all at the same time. All in all great day and cannot wait to go back. The pics are same fish just different shots. Fillet knife is 10 and 3/4 inches long so you guess the length.


Bob R
6/8/2010 3:36:00 PM
I guess fishermen aren't that interested in reading reports on lakes that they like to fish, there have been at least 2 threads in the last week about Riffe Lake concerning misidentified fish., there are NO kokanee in that lake, what you are misidentifying are actually landlocked silvers, Kokanee are landlocked sockeye salmon. Glad you had a successful day, if you are looking for Kokanee I would sugest Merwin, it has both silvers and Kokanee. Bob R.
6/8/2010 4:39:00 PM
Sure do look like kokanee to me...
Bob R
6/8/2010 9:34:00 PM
Try looking at the pictures in thye WA. state regs.Having fished that lake (and Merwin) the diff. is really hard to miss.(and I wear glasses!)Bob R
6/9/2010 5:14:00 AM
The mis-identifacation of the landlocked coho in this lake seems to be persistant. I tused to think it was common knowledge, since these fish have been being caught there for the last several decades.
6/9/2010 7:09:00 AM
dont think that was the point of the report or the spirit in which it was given....
LORDY....guess it gives some something to quak about....
6/9/2010 9:40:00 AM
Wow, you'lls comments are a trip did not know it was such a deal about what species of salmon they are, mentioned to some other fisherman at the fish cleaning station if Kokes are landlocked Sockey or Silvers, both guys said they were Silvers or Kokes and I said well looked it up on the Fish and Game sight and it states like Bob that Kokes are landlocked Sockey and the ones in Riffe are landlocked Silvers not Kokes, so let me correct my report and say I caught Landlocked Silvers which are smoking right now in my Big Chief and those other fisherman I talked to earlier said they were some good eating, can't wait to taste em. Bob thanks for clerifing me on the fish, guess though the other fisherman I talked to need to be educated about the facts as I did. Merwin has the real deal Kokes huh, I'll look er up and possibly give it a try. The picture of the Kokes on the Fish and Game web site describes the Koke as a Landlocked Sockey and it is red, a male I'm assuming in spawn colors correct, that does not mean they are red in Merwin right? They are silver in Merwin and only turn when in spawn? Gonna look up the suttle difference in the two also that you mentioned, so thanks for that tip also.. Blaa Blaa Blaa Yadda Yadda Yadda & Yabba Dabba Do have fun out there fishing, Tight Lines, and please don't litter. Basser61
6/9/2010 9:49:00 AM
Ole Gray Dog have to agree about the real deal and all about being out fishing, not wishing, or exactly knowing the species I'm catching right ? But in the legal aspect you should know because of the fines you could receive for not knowing the limits of the fish you are catching or whatever. Thanks all for keeping both aspects of the fishing trip a reality, like I said Blaa Blaa Blaa Yadda Yadda Yadda Good Luck fishing, Tightr Lines and keep er green and clean, pack out what you pack in.
Jake Dogfish
6/9/2010 11:49:00 AM
Bob, this has been going on for years! LOL I think many of us gave up on trying to educate the masses because it seems every report calls them Kokanee. Some won't believe there coho even if you tell them. Thanks for the report.
6/9/2010 4:22:00 PM
I call'em kokes too even knowing they're silvers. Ain't a big deal as long as you aint breaking any laws.
6/9/2010 6:43:00 PM
Yes , they are silver salmon. Kokanee are planted in many lakes in wa. silvers are a rare plant. There is now worry tho, the limit is only 5 in that lake anyway. Last mo. I caught 2 in Riffe , had to go down 99ft that day. They were both 16 inch long good fighters...
Bob R
6/10/2010 3:33:00 PM
Trying to edgimacate fishermen on this site can be frustrating, I just figure that an accurate report benefits us all. On that note, the silvers come into color in the fall earlier than the Kokanee, when we caught both in the fall at Merwin the Kokes were still bright while the silvers had their scales locked down and were beginning to show red. Neither will really show color as much as the Sea-runs and when the color change occurs the quality of the meat goes down. That said using artificials without bait or scent can be deadly with lures such as Apex's, Triple teasers, Dick nites or small flies, you can release spawners and smaller fish that way as the bigger fish tend to come on in the fall.One last tip(from the legedary Kokanee king, Bill Herzog), wipe the slime from the first one you catch on your dodger or flasher and terminal gear and see if that does't pick up your day! Kokawop, thanks for confirmation, 99 ft?! Wow, that's deeper than we've ever had to go!Sounds like a good size on those silvers.
6/11/2010 7:02:00 AM
Thanks for a the information Bob, and education of the fish. I'll report it right from now on, sorry for the false report. I caught my fish only letting out about 20 to 25 ft. of line with a crawdad imitation and smelly crawdad stuff. Will try greasing my line with the slime of the fish because I use nothing else on the line but the jig and maybe I try sliming the crawdad.
6/13/2010 10:13:00 AM
All righ all ready Bob R, we get the freakin picture, LANDLOCKED SILVERS IN RIFFE and LANDLOCKED SOCKEYE'S in MERWIN. For christ sake Bob R, your taking this waaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyy too serious. We all know to only keep the right fish at the right time and if that doesn't happen then report a poacher to fish and game. End of story. No go out there and get back to fishing and quit being such a putz.
Bob R
6/13/2010 5:55:00 PM
Sorry Wardogzz, didn't mean to get your panties in a knot. Wrong time of month?
Bob R
6/13/2010 10:04:00 PM
Oh, and by the way, Wardogzz, since you don't really bother to read these posts carefully,once again, Merwin has BOTH land locked sockeye, and silver salmon!
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Phone: (509) 687-0709