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Wynoochee Lake Report
Grays Harbor County, WA



Cutthroat Trout
Hook & Bait

The first report on WA. Lakes.com from Lake Wynoochee! Having only dinked around in a small rubber raft in this lake years ago Melanie and I decided to give Quinalt a break and try something new. We lauched around 6 a.m. and trolled both shorelines up from the boat launch at Coho campground. Melanie had a tap on a Gibbs spoon but no hookup, I marked quite a few fish down in the 15 to 30 ft. zone so broke out the downrigger rod, caught this nice fat cut on homemade wedding ring and crawler, hooked two more but had to release them as this lake has a 14 " minimum. I suspect that this lake has to warm up a little more, but then the jet skiers and power boat enthusiests just trash it for us fisherfolk. We'll prob. try it again as the fish put up a great fight for it's size and the meat is red as can be. Beautiful scenery, other then the dam it's all hills and trees, not even any ugly clearcuts on slopes around the lake.Anyone else had any experience fishing this lake? I understand that some nice steelhead get taken in the lake(as well as the river!). Bob R.


6/18/2010 10:48:00 PM
I've only fished it one time when I was younger, it was probably about 13 years ago or so. Only was able to get 1 fish, we didn't have any worms then though or I think it may have been selective gear back then, not really sure why we didn't have any probably because we were camping up there away from mankind. It was nice though, we were the only boat out on the lake all by ourselves. The river definitely gets a bunch of steelhead, not sure if they make it up to the lake though.
6/19/2010 12:55:00 AM
I heard that sand shrimp on a slip bobber work the best for the steel in there.
6/19/2010 9:04:00 AM
Are you in a canoe, with a downrigger rigged up? Nice Bob R! Pretty fish too.
Bob R
6/19/2010 2:26:00 PM
The picture does't do the fish's colors justice. We have a cannon Mini-troll we use quite successfully along with a 4 h.p. 4 stroke outboard so we can fish the bigger lakes . We have to use a pair of drift socks on the bow to slow us down so we can get that 1.5 m.p.h. you need for those Kokanee, but it will do 10 m.p.h. without the socks. .The drift socks really help when you have a fish on and cut the motor, they'll hold you in place.We use a lowrance 527..g.p.s./bottomfinder mounted on the back transom. The canoe is a flatbacked Old Town 15 ft. that is rated for a 5 hp engine, it's a great platform as we can put it on a yakima roof rack,one with a roller bar so I can load it all myself if i'm alone, which isn't often as Melanie loves to fish! We are looking at a Smokercraft 16 ft. Osprey, dry weight is 950 lbs, rated for 50 h.p., we are looking in that under 2000 lb. catagory so we can tow it with the suburu Outback. Melanie's demands for boat include wind shield, roof cover, and steering wheel for those not so nice days., i'd like a nice base for my larger Penn Fathom Master downrigger .Just love trolling for those salt water salmon at Neah Bay and Seiku! Bob R.
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709