dave g
7/5/2010 11:48:00 PM
Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service
Boat just got out of the yard and I needed to road check my truck after dropping a new carburetor and manifold on it, so loaded up the dog and gear and decided to get away from all the crazies on the 4th and hit Beaver lake about 0930, was there about 5 minutes when this big rig pulled up and started to back down the makeshift launch, I just could not believe this guy was going to put in so I headed back toward the launch to watch this. Well after he took out a swath of floating lilly because his butt was too big he decides to use this pristine lake as a toilet for his pleasure. The lake is select gear and no internal combustion motors are allowed, this guy could of cared less and started up his big motor and his troller to flush the salt out, I am in total disbelief as I now have my MinnKota in high speed, I pull out my cell phone and take a few photos of Mr. Bellevue license plate and lay into him promptly pointing out the two laws he is in violation of, and the fact he can't read or (doesn't care) the sign posted right in his face about no motors. Well to his credit he did shut it down immediately whilst cursing me the whole time giving me pause to consider the West End credo: Shoot Shovel and Shut Up. After $$ left the scene I got back to fishing, I was using Dons Dandy Crappie jig in brown pepper under a float about 12" and the Cutts just could not resist it, they were slapping it silly all day long. It rained and it blew and rained some more as this lake is nestelled in between two good sized hills and is sort of a pass anyways. While I was on the far shore from the boat launch I watched 3 more rigs pull in and do exactly what $$ did, all I could do is yell at them, they didn't seem to pay any attention at all, sooo tomorrow morning I will be talking to the local game cop and let him know whats happening. There were a couple float tubers that came out for a while part of a club and they were fly fishing and kinda following me around, till I started yelling at the $$ polluting the lake, I think I may have out fished them close to 10-1, they left shortly afterwards, hope my anger did not chase them off, surely was not directed their way, maybe I just became crazed and they were seeking the same solace I was before my mental state of affairs changed... About the strangest 4th of July I have ever had!
Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service