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Rufus Woods Lake Report
Douglas County, WA



Rainbow Trout

Was just a nice day to hit thew lake so good ole BluFin Loui took my daughter and I up to the lower pens on Rufus Woods. Day started off cool and comfortable. We used a couple different jigs and BluFin of course makes up his little variations of them. The big ticket today was a smaller 1/4 ounce jig with a couple little squid like bodies. My daughter started us off by catching the a nice 4+ pounder, then Loui came in to the game with one of similar qualities with one fish released to grow bigger and heal up a wound it had been inflicted. The my kid got another a bit bigger but was close in size to her first then Loui brought two to the boat and that left me the odd man out with only a couple hits. So we moved a bit and with still nothing to show for it but watching fish chase and then reject my offerings, Lou lends me his rod and it wasnt but a few minutes and I had my first. Then not to long after that my second. I believe he has some magic in that rod that I was able to use. The fish ran from 4+ pounds up to around 6ish pounds. With it taking a whooping two and a half hours to limit out we decided to site see and take some pictures of some baby bald eagles and with the temp rising we cleaned our fish and my kid and I took a quick dip. My dip was extremely quick with the cold water. This is my second trip with Lou and he is one of the most gracious hosts I have ever known. Thanks so much for some great memories.


Lake Chelan Adventures
7/9/2010 9:16:00 PM
Nice Fishin... guys
7/9/2010 9:18:00 PM
It was a fun day more than I can express.
7/9/2010 9:39:00 PM
nice fishes! Got skunk this year at rufus. I want to go back and redeem myself.
7/9/2010 9:41:00 PM
It has been a slow couple years but seems a bit better and it helped the company I was in.
blufin loui
7/9/2010 9:51:00 PM
Thanks Mallotguy, your daughter did quite well for an 11 year old, Nice rod handling, and she played both fish well. The fact she caught her limit first will be hard to live down, She even quit fishing after the first one to give us a chance to catch up. LOL. Oh Well, at least I wasn't skunked. You may have been last to catch your limit, but you had the two biggest fish. Keep taking that girl fishing. She is a natural. Also, the jigs were 1/16 oz. Just noticed a typo in the report. Thanks for sharing a great day on the water.
7/9/2010 9:55:00 PM
Funny I knew it was 1/16th also but I was slow at the catching LOL... I got home and realized I had a small sunburn or was it frost bite from that cold water LOL.
blufin loui
7/9/2010 10:25:00 PM
LOL, from the high pitched yell as you hit the water, I'd say frostbite, or close to. LOL
7/10/2010 5:17:00 AM
Sounds like you guys tore it up pretty good! Lewis has a way of seeing to it that everybody else in the boat catches bigger fish than himself. As you and I have experienced. Thanks for the report.
7/10/2010 12:11:00 PM
It is like he tells the fish to have the bigger ones to hit ours and not his LOL.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709