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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Riffe Lake Report
Lewis County, WA



Mack's Wedding Ring

Great weekend camping at Mossyrock Park. Lots of limits caught by others. My only keeper fish for me though was the one pictured. Out on a friends boat trolling with pop gear and weddingring in the silver and chartruse color.

16'' kokanee first one ever it was exciting. Lots of other small fish. Most of the bigger fish were 200-300' down. 78-80 degree water.

Caught my fish at a nice drop off near the dam. Went from 68' to 125' and bam fish on.

Again great time and hope to make it happen again.


Bob R
8/17/2010 5:46:00 AM
No kokanee in Riffe, just landlocked silvers Bob R
8/17/2010 4:46:00 PM
What do you think the other name for kokanee is... landlocked silvers or salmon in general that never make it to saltwater
8/17/2010 6:46:00 PM
There are two strains of Kokanee, landlocked silvers & landlocked sockeye, (at least that's what they told us at a spring Kokanee seminar I attended).
Bob R
8/17/2010 6:50:00 PM
No, Kokanee are defined in all identifications as landlocked sockeye. That is a fact, just sayin'. Landlocked silvers are landlocked silvers or landlocked salmon. Landlocked Sockeye are the only member of the salmon famliy to have the name "Kokanee". The history of Kokanee is interesting in that they originally were trapped by slides blocking access to salt water trapping them in certain lakes and watersheds. Naturally (when not raised in hatcheries) they spawn on beaches of a certain type of sand in upper stretches of lakes where they still have native runs. Great fish, good sized ones in Merwin and American Lake, smaller ones in Cushman and Summit, size in a lake is determined by the amount of food available in a particular lake. They only eat plankton sized food for the first year and that determines the overall size of the fish. U. S. record was broken in an Oregon lake twice in a month this year with 8+ (!)lb. Kokanee, a slide in upper river restricted how many fish bred the year before so fewer fish meant more food and bigger fish! Melanie are thinking about it for the late spring next year for a road trip. Bob R.
8/18/2010 10:29:00 PM
A fish taxonomist sounds like to me! Don't get me started on the correct pronunciation of chironimid vs chironimid! (Only an entomologist who also fly fishes would understand, is it Latin or what?). LOL.....
Jake Dogfish
8/19/2010 12:44:00 AM
Bob keep fighting the good fight, its an uphill battle. Thanks for the report.
Bob R
8/19/2010 5:38:00 AM
How about "geronimo's"?heard that pronounced that way too.(lol) By the way, i've noticed that most guides that run seminars will teach you more about catching species than i.d.ing them, although Joe Heinlein and Darrel's Dad service guides teach a lot about the fish and fisheries they work. Great report, though, thanks Bob R
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709