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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Bradley Lake Report
Pierce County, WA


Bottom Fishing From Shore
Rainbow Trout
Power Eggs
Hook & Bait

Since there was a break in the rain, I headed to Bradley around 7:15 am since it is close to my house. There was a few people there but i found an open spot by the dock. My 1st cast, I had a fish on before I could hardley set my pole down. I was using yellow power eggs and a gulp worm. From then on I got a hit on every cast. An older man came down by me and kept breaking his line and losing his gear. He came over to me and since he didnt speak english I figured out he wanted me to tie up a hook for him. So while i was tying up this salmon hook (lol) for him I got another hit. I was trying to tell him to grab my pole and REEL. He finally got it and pulled in the biggest fish of the morning for me. So I limited out in just about 1 hour and lost just as many. 4 were right aound 12 inches and the big one was 14". Before I left I tied up a couple of my smaller hooks for my fishing buddy and gave them to him.. just in case :)

It was almost too easy, but im not complaning!


10/12/2010 9:16:00 AM
Bradley is a Juvenile only pond, 15 year and younger, maybe you and your "fishin buddy" should learn some more the basics before you go out next time.
10/12/2010 3:37:00 PM
Steelhead597, Bradley is a juvenile lake from May 15-june 7th only. Maybe you should read the regs more clearly before jumping to conclusions. If it was juvenile only then there would have been 50 other people in violation and tickets would have been issued.
11/9/2010 1:31:00 PM
kcc is right an people who don't know the regs really bolther the hell out of me
3/6/2011 8:33:00 PM

Bradley Lake rules change to accomodate juvenile fishing

Action: Close Bradley Lake to fishing by the public for one day and re-open under temporary juvenile-fishing-only rules.

Effective dates:

May 18, 12: 01 a.m.: entire lake closed to fishing

May 19, 7 a.m., through June 3: open to fishing for juvenile anglers only (14 years and younger)

June 4, 12: 01 a.m.: lake reopens to public fishing

Location: Bradley Lake is located east of State route 161 on Puyallups South Hill, Pierce County.

Reasons for action: This rule change is necessary to assure two safe and successful fishing events for juvenile anglers at Bradley Lake. The first of these youth fishing events traditionally has been held at Wapato Lake, which was closed to public access due to water quality and public health concerns, so sponsors had to find a new place to hold the highly popular event. Trout for these events will be stocked on Friday, May 18, and closing the lake will ensure there are fish for youngsters to catch during the following three weekends. From May 19 through June 3, only anglers under the age of 15 will be allowed to fish. The pond will reopen to anglers 15 and over on June 4.

Information contact: Terry Rudnick, WDFW Youth Sport fishing Coordinator, (360) 902-2687.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709