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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

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Banks Lake Report
Grant County, WA



Bottom Fishing From Boat

Well finally made it to Banks lake in a round about way. Went over to help a friend get his roof on before the snow flies, nice place up on a hillside overlooking the mouth of the Spokane river. After the work was done and some very sore muscles I forgot I had, I headed over the hill to the 7 Bays area on Roosevelt and worked it over good on both sides of the river, caught way too many smallies, in fact they were a pest forcing me to change up my walleye tactics. I only got a few half hearted bites, so spent the night at Hawk Creek campground and headed to Banks lake in the morning. Once I got setup at Banks it was pushing noon by the time I got any hooks in the water, I discovered I had left my good ole map marking out my spots via gps at home so I tried to locate my spots from memory. It became apparent that the eyes were not hanging in the usual spots and after watching the locals fishing way out deep, I joined in and began to get in on the action. I was using what else: Dons Dandy Walleye Rigs in gold or silver/red and fishing via drifting a good walleye chop pulling either a half or three quater ounce bouncer in 50-75 feet of water. I managed to come up just one shy of limits and best was one just a little over 20", the water temp was hovering around 60 degrees. I switched off from bottom bouncers to jigging depending upon the structure, both fished fairly equal but they took the jigs with more conviction.. I got blown off the lake toward late afternoon as a front was pushing through and just packed up and headed home getting in late. Better late than never I guess. Klahowya!


Jay K
10/24/2010 8:41:00 PM
Chunky-looking eyes - wish more lakes had 'em. Too bad they killed off Sprague. Great report and thanks for sharing. Always a great read.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709