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Kellogg Lake Report
Snohomish County, WA


Cutthroat Trout

I thought I would head over to Kellogg and try to catch dinner for the family. Pretty cold this morning with the temps around 30 deg. but the forecast is calling for warmer with a chance of rain. As I am driving out Sultan Basin road I get to the cut off for Kellogg Lake and I start seeing snow along the side of the road. The closer I get to Kellogg the snow is getting deeper and deeper. So I get to the launch area around 8:30 a/m to find that half of the lake is frozen over and was unable to break through the ice to launch. I guess this cold snap we had caused the shallower areas to form ice. I headed over to Chain Lake to check out the conditions there.


The Quadfather
11/28/2010 6:20:00 PM
Dude... you're killing me. I thought this was a kellogg report. I love that lake. Like, Yeah?! Of course it's frozen.
Don't misinterpret, I'm not busting your chops... just report again next summer when it's not frozen. (-:
11/30/2010 5:26:00 AM
I love kellogg too. Earlier in the year we went and trolled the back pond in the deep water, And we were pulling cutthroat out all day the biggest going near two pounds, He was 24 inches and fat, the rest of the cutts were average 13 15 inches. still a great time,. half and half dick knight was the killer
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709