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Washington Lake Report
King County, WA



Cutthroat Trout

Spent the most of my time on the Lake today working on using my home built planner board. Started out across from Seahawks Headquarters towing a needlefish with an ounce and a half snap weight. Picked up two fish in this area, one cutt (lost at the boat ) and one bow (released unharmed). For the next area I ran down to the mouth of the Cedar and started out pulling a mini cutplug behind a sling blade style dodger. This set up yielded just one chunky bow which was promptly released. Switched over to pulling an Apex by itself and that was good for my last bow of the day, also successfully released. I worked the Apex north towards Mercer Island with no takers and eventually found bait deeper than my planner board/snap weight setup could reliable reach. Switched over to pulling a mini cutplug by itself at 60’ on the downrigger. It wasn’t more than 5 minutes later that my rod was doing the fish on dance and yielded a very healthy 17” cutt which I ended up keeping due to how deep it took the hook. With that last fish I called it a day, packed it up and headed home to catch the last quarter of the Seahawks game. I was happy with the overall operation of my planner board and it seemed to do the trick for fish near the surface. The bows I picked up were all very deep and seemed to have at least one deformed fin, leading me to believe that they were fish released during past kids fishing programs. The surface temps were below 50 degrees, in all areas I fished, with winds out of the north and partially cloudy conditions.


12/6/2010 7:22:00 AM
Great report and nice pictures. Thanks for including the lure. Im going to have to add some of those to my box.
12/6/2010 11:19:00 AM
If you go to Sportco or Outdoor Emporium, grab a flyer and inside you'll find a 20% off coupon just for the Brad's Cut Plug lures.
12/6/2010 11:36:00 AM
One thing I failed to mention is that the lake is down a least a couple of feet from the summer high. If you plan on using the Bellevue City launch at Newport and have a good sized boat, 20'+, you may end up dropping your trailer wheels off the end of the ramp if you are not careful. I haven't checked other ramps lately, but I do know that the Mercer Island launch was fairly shallow even before the winter draw down, so you may want to bring your hip boots if you plan on using it.
12/6/2010 10:25:00 PM
What chunky cutts......they look like feeders, not fish getting ready to spawn. Any eggs or milt sacks that looked mature. The last time I fish in the area you started in....I caught a small mouth! Was about 3 lbs. It was as surprised to see me as I was to see it on the end of my line.
12/7/2010 4:35:00 AM
I LOVE the depth finder pics!
12/7/2010 6:17:00 AM
Ark, I only kept the bottom fish, a cutt, and it didn't seem to be getting ready to spawn as the milt sacks were fairly small. The top fish, I belive, was a rainbow or some hybrid thereof. The mouth and teeth were small and there was no color under the jaw to speak of. During the transition times, fall and spring, I'll pick up a smallie or two trolling near the bottom in 25' to 45' of water.

Gary, I haven't seen this much bait on such a consistent basis for a a few years. The fish I kept had a couple of smelt in the 4" to 5" range in its stomach. Couple that with the exploding shrimp population and it's looking to be a promising upcoming spring and summer season!
12/7/2010 8:04:00 AM
In the f.f. picture, is there a visible thermocline? And, is the thermocline ever on the surface or bottom of the lake?
12/7/2010 9:22:00 AM
No thermocline to speak of in the areas I was fishing. The dark area at the top of the screen is just noise due to the way I have the sensitivity and filtering settings adjusted. The Lake has turned over and if there is a thermocline you'll find it in the deepest sections of the lake down below 100'. Come late winter/early spring a noticeable themocline will show near the surface and gradually work it's way down repeating the cycle. You can get an idea of where the themocline is located on this lake and Lake Sammamish using the King County Lake Buoy website. At the moment Lake Washington data is stuck on the 25th of November but you can check past dates to get an idea of what it is going to do. If you check out my blog, I have a post that covers this information.
Rob G.
12/8/2010 2:53:00 PM
Do you get any squaw fish while trollin? I fished the mouth of the Cedar near the bottom and all I got was stupid squaw fish.
12/8/2010 7:46:00 PM
Rob, I haven't picked up a squawfish/pikeminnow in over a year on this lake. Not sure what is going on, maybe I'm moving too fast or not using the right scent. I would like to pick one up as the make great bait for the cutts. Use it like perch meat, cut some small strips and tip your hooks with them.
Jake Dogfish
12/11/2010 5:38:00 AM
Excellent report as always G-Man. Squawfish are fairly slow growing and take several years to reach spawning age. Without the habitat advantages of the Columbia and with increased angler awareness I would not be surprised if it cut into there numbers a bit. Which is probably a good thing.
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709