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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Silver Lake Report
Spokane County, WA



Hit Silver this after noon from 12-3 with a friend and the pup. We caught 40+ fish and ran in to an old friend who I'd met fishing there last year. Kept around 20 and had a nice fish fry this evneing which me my friend and the pup enjoyed (he actually started his fish fry a little early while we were on the ice but seemed to favor rolling on the live ones and eating the ones battered in shore lunch). Had the best luck in deeper water 35 feet or so. The key to success today was moving aroudn untill my Vexlar started to lite up like a christmas tree and then wait for them to bite. Caught fish on jigs with atomic nuggies/mealworms/fish eys.Types of lures used/ teardrops/verticle raps/sweedish pimples. It was nice to get out on the water and not have to drive an hour.

Tight lines


Jay K
1/4/2011 9:07:00 PM
Nice report, Dan. Missed making it out today; Had chores to run. Glad to hear you guys got on fish. Fishing with a sonar certainly changes the game exponentially; Can't see myself ever going on the ice without one anymore. I agree it's nice to have a fishery close by; Saves the commute time for more time on the ice - also less of a hike out to where the fish are from the parking area. Too bad sun sets so early these days.
1/4/2011 9:14:00 PM
Right On! Congrats on the good fishing.
1/4/2011 9:53:00 PM
Thanks for the reports. How thick is the ice at 35'?
1/5/2011 7:28:00 AM
you guys starting out at the public launch
1/5/2011 6:19:00 PM
or from one of the resorts
1/5/2011 6:27:00 PM
does anybody use crappie jigs for perch with any success or should i go out and buy something different
1/6/2011 10:18:00 AM
Where you catching Crappie??? Your reference to your Vexilar being "lit up like a christmas tree" refers to many green, yellow, and red marks of fish that are elevated well off the bottom... The term was coined by the great one Dave Genz while explaining what a group of Crappie look like on a Vexilar.. Perch will almost always be tight to the bottom, rarely much over 3' off the bottom especially in the winter and even more so in a lake with very big predator fish roaming. A typical Vexilar perch signature is a green line turning to yellow then red rising slightly from the bottom red mark with several seperate targets stacked one on top of the other if there is a group, but they rarly will elevate much higher than 2-3' from the bottom as you lift your bait. Perhaps that is what your referring to, but I would like to know if you are marking many high fish?? Thanks for the report! BMGW
1/6/2011 10:20:00 AM
Going out from the launch.
There is about 5-7 inches.
Sometimes perch will bite on anything. They act like a tiny pike on days and just attack what ever you put down the hole. I would bring a few different types of jigs.
1/6/2011 10:52:00 AM
My vexlar has the option to zoom in on the bottom 6 feet on half of the screen(so one side was lit up like a christmas tree and the other was not). The bottom 2.5 feet were stacked with perch and as you would float the bait down 2 or 3 fish at a time would swim up and nail it right around 5 feet off the bottom. But no my Vexlar wasn't lit up like a true "Wisconsin Christmas tree". I haven't caught a crappie through the ice in Washington yet so hopefully my 3rd year will be the charm. I am planning on fishing Idaho this winter so hopefully that will increase my chances!
1/6/2011 5:18:00 PM
Ahh yes, hey I noted a comment on one of the other posts I wanted to talk to you about your Vexilar. Sounds like you have an FL18, if so try your LP setting and turn the gain down as low as possible and still see your lure when you get in thick weed cover and you will be amazed how the clutter disappears. If your ever in need of Vexilar stuff, let me know I am a Vexilar dealer..
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709