Jay K
2/12/2011 8:02:00 PM
2/14/2011 11:39:00 AMwe'll miss your reports here, best of luck and i'm with jay k -- please share some photos with us down here!
Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service
Much slower on Silver today than previously. Not in numbers, for I managed two dozen iced and dozens others missed/lost, but in average size. I was only able to get 10 keepers in the 7.5 - 9" range. In all my previous outings, I'd never seen so many 4-5" perch out that deep in 40' of water. Normally, little fellas are in shallower. Oh well, they deserve a break every now and again!
The hot lure today was a glow ice/teardrop jig with maggots. Jerry got around 30 fish with this, more action than anybody else got. Other were taken on the usual Kastmasters with perch eyes, although the takes lacked the usual gusto. As usual, it was an early bite that tapered off shortly after 9:00.
Guys and gals, this may very well be my final report on WA.Lakes.com. With the weather warming, ice dying, and a slew of appointments next week, I'm nearly out of time before packing up and heading out in mid-March. My wife lucked out (me,too!) and drew an assignment to Alaska. While I'll experience fishing opportunities that I've only previously dreamed of, I'll miss the good times and people in WA. Ditto for the people I've met, and this site....although I'll probably poke my head in every now and again to check on everybody!
Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service