2/23/2011 7:35:00 PM
2/24/2011 12:19:00 PM
2/25/2011 7:27:00 AM
2/26/2011 12:40:00 PMAlso, thanks for the jumbo perch clarification.

2/27/2011 4:49:00 PM
Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service
We experienced a much slower, more tentative bite than on previous days. While we got as many looks as we have on previous days, many of these were bumps, taps, and "hit and runs" that we'd either miss or fail to jig back. Funny, we thought that maybe today would be hot with this COLD front moving in!
Action was best between 7:30 and 8:30 in our usual areas that we've come to trust. By 9:00 we couldn't get a take between four of us and two dozen holes. We were convinced the bite was over. I punched a line of holes from east to west that yielded nothing. I then punched another line from north to south. As luck would have it, the last hole lit up like a Christmas tree! Motor1 and Stan came over and we got about 15 between the three of us before this school disappeared. For whatever reason, this school was very aggressive as compared to the others we encountered.
Motor1 and I each ended up with about 20 apiece. I kept 11 "mini-jumbos" as we call them.....I've never seen a true jumbo perch from this lake, although I'm sure a few exist. Jim left with a dozen keepers. Stan had several also and was still there, willing them to bite, when we left.
Ice jigs and glow jigs with perch eyes, again.
Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service