2/24/2011 5:20:00 PM
2/24/2011 6:35:00 PM
2/24/2011 6:36:00 PM
2/24/2011 7:50:00 PM
2/24/2011 8:57:00 PM
2/25/2011 9:28:00 AMAnd raffensg64, a friend of mine took home a brown similar to this once from this lake only to find two 10 inch stocker trout in it's stomach! The WDFW makes sure these big browns have an excellent food source!

2/25/2011 10:59:00 AMI don't necessarily agree about the rocks verses brush/willows (dogwood for the most part actually). Some days they seem to be on the rocks, some days on the brush, some days suspended over deep water.
It really depends on what they are feeding on. There are sucker minnows, crayfish, sculpins, bluegill, crappie, bass minnows, a few perch, a very few pikeminnow ( aka squawfish), and even small carp. After they plant the 6" browns and rainbows, there are even trout to eat. Don't forget the sometimes prolific insect hatches. Each of those "prey" items will be located in different locations, at different times, so on any given day the fish may be taking different food.
I also know of a few "super trolling runs" where you can hit fish pass after pass, but ............ I don't like trolling and probably won't do much of it until I get a kicker motor.

2/25/2011 1:22:00 PMAnd yes, you don't have to tell me about the net. I had a rubber net until it broke while using it as a push pole, doh! I purchased one of the new Frabill nets that stows inside its own handle as a replacement. This is great because it fits in my boat now but man, put a brown and some treble hooks in there and that fish starts rolling, what a mess. Got the fish out in about a minute, the lure took the next fifteen!
It's funny to hear you mention the dogwood; as a bass guy that brush looks awesome and I throw into it quite often. I just never seem to be there when they're there. Oh well. Keep having fun out there, and it's definitely not too big of a lure...

2/26/2011 10:53:00 AM