Bob R
3/16/2011 1:16:00 PMBellevue53
3/16/2011 1:57:00 PMSpiegel
3/16/2011 2:36:00 PMkzoo
3/16/2011 7:42:00 PMnatenez
3/17/2011 1:09:00 PMOthers have given some great advice. The upcomming plants & warmer weather will help things pick up, of course you'll get more people fishing next to you too. BTW, Beaver is great after opening day because everyone else is shoulder to shoulder at Pine.
Here are some more tips:
1) Go on warmer days when the fish are more active
2) Use a bit bigger bait - give those fish a reason to move
3) Don't just let your bait soak - recast every 10 mins or so. A nice SMALL splash can cause the fish to come investigate.
4) "Ring the dinner bell" - do a couple quick jerks on your line every couple of mins to make the bait move & get the fish's attention.
5) Move around a bit - with the cold water the fish aren't cruising all over the lake, so go find them
Don't give up. Winter fishing can be hard and fustrating. But it will get better.