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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Rock Lake Report
Whitman County, WA


Top Fishing From Boat
Brown Trout

anouther report from rock lake. hit the lake a little late bout 10 when we got there we should have known that we should not be on the wather in a 14 foot smoker craft but being the overly confident guys that we are we thought that this is a great idea. first 2 hrs nothing then bam two decent browns. switched to a big cove and hit a nice brown and 3lb rainbow on a randome chance of power bait. on the way back the waves were 3-4 foot rollers and lots of water in the boat had to beach and empty the boat then walk back to the launch. ended the day with a 1per hour 4 hr day.


4/1/2011 10:21:00 AM
That lake will kill you if your not careful. LOL

I've towed several boats of that lake in the last few years.
4/2/2011 8:10:00 AM
I was on the shore fishing. Saw you and three othes in that little boat.
I figured I would find out who you were in the news.
4/2/2011 12:00:00 PM
AA I appreciate your posts and think you are knowledgeable. However I don’t believe there is any need to "laugh out loud" when discussing deaths on rock.
4/2/2011 7:48:00 PM
As a former big shark fisherman off Southern California in a 12' aluminum boat with a 6 hp engine I know how you can feel that you can make it through anything, but Please be careful guys you will only make a bad choice one time. We were very lucky and didnt get killed out there in the shipping lanes, but I can tell you first hand those smaller boats can get in trouble on big water. Good Luck.
4/4/2011 6:47:00 AM
thanks for the comments yall ill admit it was foolish of us to go out there but we did and survived however we also decided not to do that again. It was just a little spooky. 3 of us ended up walking back while the only one drove the boat back. that lake can go from bad to what the he** am i doing out here this is stupid in no time flat.
(on a personal note i cant wait for the water temp to come up a bit i want bass and to shoot some carp)
good luck yall
6/2/2011 6:10:00 PM
you said it blood&water
I have fished this lake and know of it's danger. My brother and I went to Rock lake this winter and after an hour of decision making decided to put the boat in the water anyway. It was the wrong decision. We had a terrible day only 2 fish caught. I went to the far end of the lake 1st off and then had to try and come back ha-ha. Do not under any conditions attemp to fish this lake alone. You called it "Just a little bit spooky"
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709