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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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I-82 Pond 5 Lake Report
Yakima County, WA



Bottom Fishing From Shore
Largemouth Bass

Hey Washington hows it going. Its been about a month since my last report but here is a new one from just yesterday. I went out to the i-182 ponds 4and5 i believe with my brother inlaw at around 11am. We did all of our fishing in the back pond 5. Couple hours went by and nothing was going on so i decided to stay on the move and walk along the shore and cast a few move cast move.. So I had come to a spot that looked promising regardless of my soaked sweater lol did i mention it was raining the whole time haha. Well I was lucky enough to hook a giant bass!!! largemouth bass!!! Now in the pictures you can see how big this beast was next to my shoe i wear a 10 1/2 i would say this bass was around 24in or something i really dont know and by just holding it i think maybe 5 or 6 pounds,,,and if i dont look that big to you guys sorry im just guessing i dont have the prober gear for that.....Now the awesome part is this is my FIRST bass!!! haha i have never stepped out of the trout species before this year. And let me tell you this moment when i reeled this bad boy in i was pumped full of adrenaline...I had been dreaming of hooking a bass since this year started. All i have seen is on tv when they grab the bass by the bottom lip all the time...and boy i was most excited to do that!!! kinda funny but thats what i was really looking forward to. Haha i grabbed him by the lip pulled him out of the water and "wooo hooo!!!" "hell ya!!!" just unexplainable excitement. now i had gone about half way around the pond from where my bother inlaw was and i could not wait to show him this beautiful bass so i was running like crazy felt like a kid again haha. after these few photos and all the adrenaline i decided to let that big guy go back home...after my high went down i got to thinking about how big that fish was for these smalls ponds and this area and was sorta bumbed i didnt keep it...but after awhile im am very happy i let him go to get bigger and stronger for me to hook him next time. beautiful fish for a not so beautiful day. Ultra light tackle a grub and a memory for a life time...My first bass.
Jiggy you would of been proud haha


4/16/2011 4:10:00 PM
Sorry i didnt include the picture with the bass next to my shoe i liked these better. :)
rjn cajun
4/16/2011 4:12:00 PM
Good job on the C&R. Now you`ll know what the next guy`s face will look like when he hooks that pig. Your smile says it all. Congrats. Now your hooked ;)
4/16/2011 5:45:00 PM
Nice job! Now your hooked on bass for good, congrats on your first bass, and such a decent sized one at that.
You might catch that very same bass on another day- way to go!
The Jigmiester
4/16/2011 5:49:00 PM
Brother Hookster. The memory of that big first one will be with you forever! And I am proud of you for catching. , releasing and sharing your smile with all of here at WaLakes,com. Next, lets get you addicted to smallies!!! LOL Jiggy
4/16/2011 6:19:00 PM
Smallies, Biggies, and in betweenies im ready for them all! haha thanks for the comments guys.
4/16/2011 7:20:00 PM
And last week we were skunked there. NICE FISH
4/16/2011 7:26:00 PM
congrats on catching that hawg!
4/16/2011 7:48:00 PM
Right on.
4/16/2011 9:27:00 PM
Great Job! Good fish! Well done and congrats!!!
4/16/2011 9:36:00 PM
Anybody would be proud of that as their first bass! Congrats!
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709