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Panther Lake Report
King County, WA



Largemouth Bass

This report is for 4-15-2011. Buddy and I decided to try out this "lake" for the first time and see what we could come up with. Got to the launch at 11 am and scooted the boat through the mud and eventually made it into some water. We ventured into the lake and kinda just cruised around for awhile mapping the bottom and getting water temps. The lake has a max depth of around 6-7 feet from what i could tell and the water temp was 53 throughout. Decided to focus on the west shoreline and close to the area where the bottom drops the quickest. 7 fish total between us, all caught and released. 5 fish on black/blue jig n pigs, 1 fish on a red/white spinnerbait, 1 fish on a silver/black jerkbait. It was a fun day getting the skunk off and reeling in the first fish of this year. Nothing of any size at all but good for getting the dust off the gear.
Oh and sorry for the late report, had some technical difficulties.


4/20/2011 5:14:00 PM
Thats about the size of the fish I used to catch out of Panther when I lived up in Kent. I have seen pictures of huge hawgs from there but never came close to sniffing any either from float tube or shore.
4/20/2011 6:30:00 PM
I never marked anything huge on the electronics while i was there but there are so many places they could be hiding. I'll probably give it another shot sometime and see what i can come up with.
4/20/2011 10:16:00 PM
right on man, congrats on getting out there and hooked up with your first largies of the year!
4/20/2011 11:39:00 PM
Way to go! Nice to see people going for bass. Does panther have decent access for shore fishing?
4/21/2011 11:47:00 PM
@islandbass, the shore access is pretty much just the "boat launch" which is a spot cleared in the weeds basically. I wouldnt say its impossible to catch fish from shore there, but you would probably be better off somewhere else.
7/3/2011 7:37:00 AM
Thank you for making this report. I have fished Panther lake off and on since I was probably 10 yrs old, lived less than a mile away from it til 6 months ago. I went out and tossed a frog around for 15 min 3 days ago with not even a ripple. At times I wonder if there are any fish left in it. Glad to see you caught those dinks, hopefully there is some hawgs left in there eating the dinks, bullfrogs, carp, and catfish that are in the lake. I think the lake fished better when the used to stock trout in there, 3,000 or so trout would feed those bass good. I can't even remember my biggest out of that lake, I don't think I tied into any real good ones.
7/8/2011 6:42:00 PM
@ChrisB, I have been back once since this report was made and it was the same story, small fish everywhere. I couldnt buy a bite from a decent fish. I was unaware of the carp in there, the catfish i suspected. On that note, I also saw some perch and pumpkinseed while i was there. More species than one would think at first sight.
4/29/2012 5:39:00 PM
@ChrisB where do the carp hang out i live close to Panther and i not only like to cathc them for their fight but becuase they make great cutbait, and i dont mind taking them out so better eating fish can grow up.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709