bob johansen
5/18/2011 8:16:00 AM
5/18/2011 12:26:00 PMWe tried plastic worm, spinner bait, crank bait, one was a floating rapala. It doesn't surprise me to hear that you've fished this lake Bob, seems you've fished nearly every body of water in the state of WA! I think that is great!
Maybe this lake will come alive with accessible bass by mid july, water warming up, may be a decent perch bite then thru oct as well. ?????????

5/18/2011 3:39:00 PM
5/18/2011 3:39:00 PM
5/18/2011 11:33:00 PM
5/21/2011 9:24:00 AMSince I like to troll I usually don't go to lakes that don't allow any motors - fortunatly there are lots of great lakes where electrics are OK.