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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Kapowsin Lake Report
Pierce County, WA



Arrive on the lake at 6:30 am and rented a 10 ft. boat for 12 bucks. My partner and I started pitching worms around the banks of the island. We caught a couple of largemouth right away, then started hooking up with quite a few red eyed Rock Bass. These fish forage among the warm shallows of the lake and because of this they will be infested with more parasites. We noticed quite a few Anglers were catching these Rock Bass for Keepers. When we asked about what kind of fish they were keeping some would say they were bluegills others said they were crappie. I hope they cook them well done because of the parasites. Anything with red eyes must be toxic according to my rule. We started trolling with pop gear and wedding bands in the afternoon around the south end of the lake and caught a couple of nice silvers. Did not find the Crappie and the bluegills were scarce and small in size. A lot of trash in the lake its not like it used to be too bad. Fish On! -----<:{{{<


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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709