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Kapowsin Lake Report
Pierce County, WA



Spent the evening on Kapowsin in my float tube. Started out bass fishing, but wasn't having any luck. Saw some other guys doing the same from boats, one guy said he got into fish in the shallowest upper of the lake, the other two said that it was slow. The guy getting in to fish said that they were starting to spawn.

Some trout rising, the guy at the boat slide/dock/boat rental place said that the lake had recently been stocked, and that they were catching off the dock early in the day, but the half dozen anglers or so that I saw there were doing no good. I got one take on a dry fly that I didn't manage to catch - fishing a dropper fly below it and nothing on that. Shortly after I went back out with my fly rod, the risers quit - isn't that the nature of it? My one take came right directly next to a stump - could have been a bluegill or rock bass.

Good luck if you get out there, amigos.


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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709