5/26/2011 6:31:00 PM
5/26/2011 7:32:00 PM
5/26/2011 8:20:00 PM
5/26/2011 9:09:00 PMThanks for the reports!

5/27/2011 2:31:00 PM
5/27/2011 3:01:00 PM
5/27/2011 5:22:00 PMPeople that don't like chironomid fishing generally don't know how to fish them, have had limited success doing so. I have friends who always need to be doing something, trolling, casting etc. It does take some time to learn how to be effect fishing them and isn't for everyone. Like I said before it is something everyone should have in their stillwater arsenal. When the stripped or trolled bugger isn't getting it done, you'll have another option.
Since chironomids make up 50% or more of a trouts spring diet, it seems folks would want to at least try to "match the hatch" on occasion. Maybe not.........
When it is on, you won't get through the first page of your book before the indicator goes down. Your brain will get plenty of work playing and netting fish.