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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Washington Lake Report
King County, WA


Bottom Fishing From Boat
Smallmouth Bass

(Somewhere on the east side of Mercer Island)

We managed to get on the water at 6:00 and it was a fabulous day!!! OK, the fishing was tough at best but the sun finally showed, the air temps were shirt sleeve (water temps 56-57) and it was calm. I made the usual presentation with Texas rigged worm and a few different jigs and tho there were a few nibbles - probably errant trout or perch, I only managed a small perch.

We worked everything from the shallows, around docks, out to the deeper water - 12'-23', edges of weed beds, over to the Seahawks camp (which yielded nothing is spite of the 'fishey 'look. My fishing partner gave up the traditional presentations and went to the silver Mepps and managed to land a very nice 2.5 lb female that looked to be full of eggs.


Thanks to the guys at Anglers Choice for the suggestion!


6/6/2011 12:12:00 PM
Not sure what was going on in Lake Washington yesterday. The perch we caught had just spawned and the stickleback are in the weeds preparing to do their thing as well. I'm sure it is just a hiccup and the bite will soon again catch fire.
6/6/2011 5:07:00 PM
Yeah i agree G-man caught loads of perch and rock bass on my senko i havent seen any spawning smallies yet even though the weather has been pretty somewhat consistent. I fish from shore so its kinda hard at Gene coulon park
6/6/2011 5:09:00 PM
Yeah i agree G-man caught loads of perch and rock bass on my senko i havent seen any spawning smallies yet even though the weather has been pretty somewhat consistent. I fish from shore so its kinda hard at Gene coulon park
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709