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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Amber Lake Report
Spokane County, WA



Trolling With Fly
Rainbow Trout
Sinking Fly Line

Got on the water about 1:00 pm and headed to the other end of the lake. The air temperature was 78º with a slight south wind at 5 mph under overcast skies. The surface temperature was 67º with a slight film of pine pollen on the water. I caught 2 nice rainbows on the south shore with one being 20" and the other 18" using a Green Wooly Leech. I later moved down the shore towards the launch and caught 2 more south of the power lines on a black Wooly Leech. Most of the fish that were picked up on the finder were laying close to the bottom at about 20-25 ft. One of the hits that I had I lost just prior to netting it. From the color and size, it looked like a Cutthroat ranging about 16".
At about 6:00 the action got real slow and I headed in.
I had the 20" Rainbow positioned perfectly in my lap for a photo and just as I was about to shoot the picture, the fish felt that his right side was more photogenic than his left side and flipped over as I pushed the shutter button. LOL


6/7/2011 5:29:00 PM
Someone still fishing for trout when there are huge bass and tiger musky''s to be catching.
Marc Martyn
6/8/2011 8:13:00 AM
I'm terribly sorry. I thought that maybe someone would like to read a report on trout fishing at Amber. Perhaps I should have posted it on www.flyanglersonline.com
6/8/2011 9:57:00 AM
I appreciate the report Marc. I really don't care to read about invasive or scrap fish caught in our State's waters ;)

Marc, have you ever checked stomach contents by performing a stomach lavage? It is fairly safe for the fish and the stripping apron that comes with most pontoon boats makes for a great "operating" table.
Marc Martyn
6/8/2011 10:16:00 AM
I've got a pump, just never learned how to use it properly. Many times my main concern is getting the fish back in the water as soon as possible. When fishing with Mike Grahm, he checks it often and lets me know what they are feeding on. I'll have him give me some OJT.
6/8/2011 9:00:00 PM
Good report Marc. Yes, pumps can ge great, but if used improperly .............. well I still don't know if it really hurts them or not.

Were there any hatches coming off? Any Damsel flies?"
Marc Martyn
6/9/2011 8:17:00 AM
I saw about 5 small adult damsels and that was about it. Usually this time of year they are thick. Some midges coming off later in the day. Everything is about a month behind normal.
Thomas Wayne
6/10/2011 12:59:00 PM
I've never fished this lake........are boats with motors allowed(slow trolling) And by the way, I love fishing for trout. LOL
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709