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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Green Lake Report
King County, WA



Stationary Fly Fishing
Rainbow Trout
Floating Fly Line

Took my friend out on the canoe to get his first freshwater fish. It was a beauty, 12 incher. I got one on the fly rod before it got dark. We switched to rock bassing again and got a good number between the two of us. Every third or fourth cast yielded a rock bass. We even got a sculpin...looks like a cross between a bullfrog, a bass and some prehistoric fish with wings.

Later in the evening a strange thing happened. While anchoring in our rock bassing area, I could see the anchor on the bottom, but...I couldn't see the rope attached to it. "This seems strange," I thought to myself so I pulled it in to examine it. Turns out the bolt that held the rope to the anchor had come off...Boohoo. We tried to push the anchor to shore with the canoe oars but that attempt was futile. I came back on Saturday and dove down to retrieve it. Other than momentarily losing the anchor on Thursday, and almost getting rammed by a crew boat, it was an awesome day on the Big Green.


6/12/2011 2:58:00 PM
nice report and good job man. i would have been super mad if that happened to my anchor, don't know if i would have came back and dove down to get it though. but i guess it depends on how deep it was. sculpin on a fly rod eh? haha nice :)
6/12/2011 4:40:00 PM
obviously because he could see the anchor it wasn't in too deep of water. The lake in general isn't that deep anyways. I'll be there next Friday likely... with pole I hope.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709