Bob R
6/22/2011 10:14:00 PM
6/22/2011 10:22:00 PMI have a 1972 14 foot fiberglass runabout made for sears, i dont know by who. But i have done a little custom work i put a bimini top and some cedar sides to help shed some wind and rain. I have a 1992 Tohatsu 25 HP 2 stroke and a minkota 34 thrust electric its perfectly safe in case i get caught in bad weather i would just rather not take the beating. I have been out there in a canoe a few times with a friend of mine before i had this boat, it is usually pretty calm close to dark and if you stay on the west end of swan bay and just kind of skirt along the edge its pretty calm.

The Quadfather
6/22/2011 11:52:00 PMGreat exploring to be done at the South end. I carried extra gas, and an electric motor with a fresh battery.
So glad to read this report. And that is one huge perch!

6/23/2011 8:51:00 AM
6/23/2011 9:24:00 AMI too brought extra gas i filled my 6 gallon and had a 2 1/2 can filled just in case but never got below 1/2 tank on the 6 gal, because i never made it off the north end of the lake. I went out to ozette earlier in the year and we did some exploring then, the weather was cold but the water was calm, we actually found a place to land on baby island and worked our way up to the top, if you really look hard you can kind of see where there might have been a cabin on the top of baby island, but it had to have been torn down 75-100 years ago, because you can just barely see the footprint. We also ran the trail that dumps you out 2 miles south of the triangle loop, I cant remember if it is sandpoint or cape alava that is the southern point of that trail. We Also saw a small heard of elk around little river when we went in the spring, which was awesome because they didnt spook until we were right up on them.
Talking to a Native American friend of mine last night i found out that there are indian burial grounds around the lake, and i am wondering what else is hiding there. As much as I love fishing this lake i have decided it is to dangerous to do alone, if something happened to me out there by myself who knows how long it would be before i saw another person. Or if I had engine failure, there are too many possibilities, and there are much better happened for solo fishing. BMGW When you want to go? I am ready when you are, but i do know your got that pesky shop to deal with.

6/23/2011 6:31:00 PMThanx for making a miniscule dent on the squawfish overpopulation. I'm sure the eagles thank you too. Sounds like an amazing trip out amongst the trees and water.

6/23/2011 9:08:00 PM
6/24/2011 4:13:00 PM