6/26/2011 11:18:00 PM
Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service
My buddy Dan and took our first ever trip to Lake Cavanaugh to try our luck at the Kokanee`. We were on the water by 7:00 am and it was like glass, no wind, and the sun was out. What a beautiful lake and a beautiful day!
Dan was trolling a Mack’s Flash Lite with chrome and red blades followed by a red double whammy wedding ring tipped with white sweet corn with just a touch of weight putting his presentation about 15’ below the surface. I ran a small Luhr Jensen Less Davis chrome dodger followed by a red Mack’s Kokanee Killer also tipped with white sweet corn and used a downrigger to be at around 20’.
We started marking fish out in front of the launch so we began trolling from there. Most of our fish were caught towards the middle of the lake, all believed to be at about the 15’ depth. .
Dan had bite after bite missing several strikes and light bumps and ultimately landed 4 nice Kokanee and one nice cutthroat. I managed two Kokanee and had far fewer bites throughout the morning. I did run a Flash Lite (all chrome) but the red and chrome set up Dan was running was clearly getting the most attention. All of the fish were 11 ½ to 12” respectively except one that was much smaller and was kept only because it started to bleed. Dan also caught one other small Kokanee that was released unharmed. For those of you keeping track the grand total was 8 fish.
The trip itself was a 5 and the bite was about a 3. All in all a great trip! Looking forward to crabbing next week.
Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service