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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Wye Lake Report
Kitsap County, WA



Top Fishing From Boat
Largemouth Bass
Floating Minnow
All Day

Four score and two years ago, my parents brought forth on this continent, a new "would be" bass angler. Today, as I started my 83rd year of life on Planent Earth, I decided to look for a few of America's favorite game fish, the largemouth bass. However, due to a huge breakfast of steak, eggs, and hashbrowns, I was a quite late arriving at the lake. It was overcast and a little windy as I launched my small boat onto Wye Lake. I fished much of the shoreline before the wind finally forced me to call it a day. The fishing was good as usual. but the catching was just not there. I did however, see something I had never seen before - there were thousands - maybe even 10s of thousands of little black tadpoles along about a hundred feet of shoreline. There were so many that the shallow bottom of the clear water lake was just blanketed with them. And, the strange part was I have never seen a bull frog on the lake. I also saw dozens of peeled willow limbs on the lake bottom and had never seen a beaver or a beaver hut on the lake. I talked with an "X fellow bass club member" who now lives on the lake and he said he had seen the beaver -- And, he had also seen the thousands of tadpoles. Not a good bass catching day but it was quite interesting.


7/8/2011 11:01:00 PM
Hey Bob, I remember a few years ago fishing that lake right off the bank, we found a big bull frog. and THOUSANDS of tiny baby frogs in the water and on shore.

Happy Birthday !
7/9/2011 8:52:00 AM
So, as far as fishing is concerned, it's currently Wye not.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709