7/19/2011 5:09:00 PM
7/19/2011 5:11:00 PM
Marc Martyn
7/19/2011 11:15:00 PMI am starting to believe that the fish per acre in Amber has been dropping off steadily for the last couple of years. Gone are the days of turning off the fish alarm sound because it drives you nuts to hear the continuous beeping. There were a couple of seasons a few years back where having a 30-40 fish/day was the norm. It was shortly after that when the Game Department felt there were too many fish in the lake for the food supply to support. They then decided to stop stocking the lake on a regular basis. There were several years that they did not stock any fish at all. I am going to go back through the lake stocking records and see when and how many fish have been stocked.
I don't feel that a barbless effects the ability to hook a fish. All of my flies are barbless and I believe that it is actually easier to embed the hook because of less resistance in the penetration than with a barbed hook. The key to keeping the fish on the hook is to keep the line taut.

9/13/2011 9:21:00 AMHas it picked up at Amber lately?
Please say yes.