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Offut Lake Report
Thurston County, WA



Bottom Fishing From Boat
Largemouth Bass

Late post for this one but worth a post. Went out to offut late this day fished the shorelines for an hour or two then decided to hit the pads after no action caught a lil 4 incher right off the back so that made my day right off the back then I got my line tangled and as soon as I do my dad yells got one... and its a big one get the net. fish fought hard for a few mins went straight into the grass( I think he's done this a time or 2 before lol) bought finally got it to the boat and it was the bigest LMB either one of us had ever seen in person measured 18 1/2 inches but probaly weighed between 5 and 6 pounds it was quite healthy released that and then it was my turn caught a 17 1/2 inch 3 to 3 1/2 pounder off the pads just a lttle ways down and that was it for the day. Both fish were released to be caught another day.


7/20/2011 6:59:00 AM
Very cool! Glad to see some Offut lake lmb I used to catch a lot of toads out of that lake!
7/20/2011 7:47:00 AM
OMG and only rated it a 3..lololol....good on ya for C&R'n those...there's quite a few little 1s if your the type that eats fish it wouldnt hurt to take a few smaller 1s home...no cutty's or bows work'n the edges ?...did they fix the ramp ??
7/20/2011 9:02:00 AM
Very nice fish. Congrats. A fella I knew who is now passed away caught a 10-3 on Offut at the very end of the lake to the right of the boatlaunch. Can be a real fun lake to bass fish.
7/20/2011 10:46:00 PM
If you are talking about how the ramp just well disapears at the end then no other then that if you dont have to big of a boat its fine to get into. hope this helps
7/24/2011 9:44:00 PM
Nice fish. Just FYI I have gotten two 19" by 7" wide largemouths and both were 4lbs. They seem larger when you see that fat mouth and head. I tried Offut a few times when I live in Olympia and heard it has some big one's in it.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709