Lord Of The Fly
7/30/2011 11:05:00 PM
8/18/2011 11:54:00 AMAll of the kokes I caught were always caught using a Jack Lloyd pop gear and a wedding ring with a small piece of nightcrawler and a single piece of white shoepeg corn. The daily limit for both Kachees and Kacheelus for kokes is 16 and that limit can include 2 trout (so 14 kokes and 2 trout). With the road construction going on the lake has changed a little bit but the best fishing was (July 30th, 2011) going down the freeway side just below the island and down to the point before the snowshed. We were going out about 25 pulls which is about 15 feet and trolling as slow as possible. Hook ups were regular and got a little heated a few times. Four of us in the boat and usually a hit every 5 minutes with multiple hook ups not uncommon. we took home 25 kokes in less than 2 hours then spent the rest of the day wake boarding and pulling the inner tube around.
Am heading to Lake kachees this weekend and will be camping out on the lake so will report our luck later this week.