Jake Dogfish
8/26/2011 2:39:00 PM
8/26/2011 11:43:00 PM
8/27/2011 8:08:00 AM@ Jake Dogfish: I had no idea set lines were no longer allowed, I will read up on my regs for the 2 lakes and make sure I am up to date. Thanks for the heads up!
@ chantaclair: I lived on Snoqualmie Pass for 20 years and fished both Kachees and Kacheelus with equal success. Kachees was usually better early on in the fishing season and Kacheelus produced steadily but usually smaller kokanee. If by the 3rd reservoir you mean Lake Cle Elum I only fished it once going for Mac's and did not have any luck at all. That was very early in my fishing career and i did not have a clue as to what to use, how deep, ect. The one deciding factor may be that parking and launching are free at Lake Kacheelus while to use the launch at Kachees requires a day permit from Thousand Trails (they manage and maintain Kachees campground) and is around 5 bucks. Both probably require a vehicle use access permit which is issued with your combination fishing and hunting licenses. Good Luck! And let us know how you did, I will be going back up probably Labor Day weekend for some fishing and boat camping.