The Quadfather
10/6/2011 7:47:00 PM
10/6/2011 10:25:00 PM
10/8/2011 7:33:00 AM
10/8/2011 11:33:00 AM
Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service
Had another fun day at Omak Lake. Weather started off pretty calm for an overcast day. Surface temp stayed at 63 the whole day. Launched around 7am, fished until about 1:30. Wind picked up there towards the end and of course, after we load up the sun comes out, wind dies down. Hah.
So we trolled around the mission bay mostly. Worked the mouth of it and some submerged rocks. Had 6 fish to the boat and lost around that many as well. All fish ranging from 12" to 16".
3 fish were on a 4" chartreuse king fisher spoon, 1 on the same except in blue. Had bites on rushin wobblers and lost a few on both blue and green. Also had fish consistently biting an old wedding ring styled lure, flasher with a red bead which we trolled behind flashers. 2 were brought to the boat, several bites. Several fish got off early on this lure so we swapped the hook on it, made all the difference.
90% of the hookups were in the 17-25 depth range and trolled behind 80+ feet. Only fish that took something higher was at 15' near the mouth of the bay, I was maybe out 25 feet from the rocks for that one. Seemed anything trolled closer then 80 feet didn't produce fish today so I kept it at 90-100. Varied speeds from 1.6 to 2.4 mph, seemed best today was in the 1.7-2.2 range.
Big thanks to Quadfather for some downrigger tips, made a massive difference. Also made the experience as a whole much more enjoyable having proper hookups.
Sorry for no pictures, they just didn't turn out this time around, sadface for me.
Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service