2/16/2012 10:26:00 PMtomnordman
2/16/2012 10:52:00 PMfullybuilt2.0
2/16/2012 11:58:00 PMP-FITZ98
2/17/2012 11:50:00 AMP-FITZ98
2/17/2012 12:26:00 PMAnglinarcher
2/17/2012 3:01:00 PMI have GPS marks on almost every spot, but I have not transferred them to any map.
Here is my concern! Let's say that I, or someone that knows the spots, posts this information and someone hits one that we missed. Who do you think the lawyers will be after. Personally, I won't take the legal risk, even to save lives.
That is a sad commentary on how America is. I would rather that someone die than be sued by some money hungry family or lawyer.
Sad enough is the fact that I have similar GPS data on Sprague Lake, another lake of concern.