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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

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Medical Lake Report
Spokane County, WA


Top Fishing From Shore
Rainbow Trout

My wife and I decided to try Medical Lake after a very fun and interesting trip two weeks ago. On that trip, I lost a very BIG brown trout near the bank, but I was able to land a nice 16" one after several other losses and strikes. Today was my wife's turn with a nice fish lost near the bank and several other misses. The disappointment for both of us was the evidence of POACHERS not following the regulations. An opened can of corn, PowerBait smears on the rocks and PowerBait foil lids on the bank and in the water were in evidence. This lake is a SELECTIVE FISHERYf/ARTIFICAL LURE/SINGLE BARBLESS HOOK FISHERY FOLKS!!! The litter I picked up was p of Very Russian-Type origin.


4/16/2012 2:43:00 PM
Great report. Sounds like you guys had a lot of fun. As for the poaching and littering, it absolutely angers me to see people littering and breaking the rules. Some people need to understand that the lakes and rivers belong to the public and they need to show respect for our waters and other fishermen. For some of us its not often that we get to be on the water and when we do get the chance the last thing we want to see is a few idiots disrespecting the water. Anyways on a more happy note, hope the fun keeps up and good luck!
Straight Shooter
4/16/2012 3:46:00 PM
It comes down to plain greed and total disregard for the law. I live in Medical Lake and I've personally seen these violations. Its obvious that they know that they're doing wrong because they'll not make eye contact or start walking away when they know you see them. I personally don't fish the lake but, it still gets my blood boiling when I witness these people trying to get over. I know that the WA Dept of Fish and Wildlife is spread thin. Is there a volunteer warden program out there? I checked their website but, couldn't find anything.
4/17/2012 6:11:00 AM
Thank you for the nice comments, baitfish. Straight Shooter, the WDFW has an Eyes In The Woods program to encourage the public to report violators: http://wdfw.wa.gov/enforcement/reporting_violations.html
Personally, I don't fly fish, but I do enjoy assembling my own spinners and spoons with SINGLE BARBLESS HOOKS. Yes, these violators are NOT poaching out of ignorance; they just don't care about the resourse. My wife and I have been checked by a Wildlife Agent/Game Warden in the past at Medical Lake...Nice Guy and very professional. He reported one set of JERKS cutting their lines upon his approach; that didn't do them any good.
4/17/2012 8:06:00 AM
it's frustrating that WDFW can't get poacher tip info sent on the weekends until monday. I agree with Straight Shooter and wish there was a volunteer warden program. WDFW is just spread too thin. It almost seems like poachers at Medical outnumber those who abide by the game laws. Imagine what an amazing fishery that would be if the poachers were driven out of there...
4/18/2012 11:30:00 PM
Nice to see so many concerned. If you see violators call WSP dispatch at (509)227-6560 and advise them that it is a poaching call.They will dispatch the report to the Enforcement Officers currently on duty. If possible try to get a cell phone picture, vehicle description and license #. WDFW advises that you be nonconfrontational. (If there are any problems reporting through WSP contact
Officer Dan Rahn at WDFW Region 1 and discuss your concerns.) We're lucky to have this fishery so close to town, unfortunately
it's also more convenient for the poachers. Spokane Fly Fishers is currently working on some signage with regs and reporting info.
5/4/2012 6:20:00 AM
Great report! Will try it this weekend for sure :)
Just out of curiosity what do you mean by: The litter I picked up was p of Very Russian-Type origin.?
5/5/2012 5:46:00 AM
Well aby131, when the packaging of the snack food litter is in the Russian-Type alphabet with very Russian-Type background photos on the packaging, a reasonable person would suspect that the Litter Bugs are Russian in origin. Thank you for the nice comment and good luck on the fishing.
5/6/2012 7:36:00 AM
Can't get out this weekend (Sucks!) Will try next one, hopefully weather stays nice :)
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709