5/17/2012 11:15:00 AM
Lord Of The Fly
5/17/2012 1:13:00 PM
The Quadfather
5/17/2012 10:58:00 PM
Lord Of The Fly
5/17/2012 11:17:00 PM
5/18/2012 12:32:00 PMIf my memory serves me correctly, didn't someone report eating a rock bass from that lake last year? Mmmmm, tasty marinated treat. Come to think of it. I gave a rock bass to a Grandma and her two little nephews to eat. They were chattin it up with me and I thought to offer one to them, as they indicated they bottom fished Puget Sound one time, and liked fishing.

5/18/2012 2:26:00 PM
5/18/2012 2:33:00 PMhttp://www.ebay.com/itm/The-FLOATER-FISHING-LURE-Gag-Gift-Fisherman-The-No-2-Lure-that-is-No-1-POOP-/190666562932?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2c649cdd74