5/21/2012 5:37:00 PM
5/22/2012 7:38:00 AM
5/22/2012 7:42:00 AM
5/22/2012 8:00:00 AM
Lou Smith
5/22/2012 9:51:00 PMI have been using a Pink Lady for about 30 years and the chart on the package is wrong. Basically, your depth will be about half the length of the line (20#) you have out, minus a few feet for line drag bow (100 feet of line will put you down about 45 feet, etc). You will probably need a line-counting reel. Like you, I also use about two feet between the Lady and the dodger. Also, everything I have read indicates your lure should be between 5 and 12 inches behind the dodge (closer to 5" with depth). Hope this helps.