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Riffe Lake Report
Lewis County, WA


56° - 60°

Got to the Mossyrock Dam around 1:30. tons of people; elbow to elbow. i threw my line in for a few hours and tried everything. worms, maggots, power bait, spinners. absolutley nothing. everyone else was catching em. i even used kokanee attractant. nothin. oh well... better luck next time i guess. they put on a good show, though. jumpin 10 foot from shore.


5/31/2012 4:23:00 PM
I called Bob R and he said next time to try "landlocked coho" attractant.
5/31/2012 4:34:00 PM
Better luck next time mate.
5/31/2012 5:25:00 PM
ya bob would have to get his two cents in about the species, Try sockeye attractant. Good report crawfish
Bob R
5/31/2012 7:01:00 PM
I think my opinions are worth more than 2 cents, how much are inaccurate reports worth?Check out my input on the last riffe lake report by last poster.(lol) Maybe targeting Coho (you know, the fish that actually exist in Riffe) will actually help you catch salmon in Riffe.(more lol) bob r
5/31/2012 7:41:00 PM
OK Bob, im going to catch some coho this weekend again. what is the largest coho that you have seen. or do they have a record on that.Let me know please. I've seen some really large fish jumping on riffe at times. Happy fishen bob
Bob R
5/31/2012 8:28:00 PM
The state doesn't list freshwater coho as a record fish, the overall record is 25 lbs., believe it was caught in the satsop.They do, however list the record Kokanee as being over 6 lbs., caught in Lake Roosevelt. You can't catch a 7 lb. coho out of Riffe to beat that record as the state DEFINITLY considers Kokanee to be SOCKEYE salmon. The largest coho I have seen out of Riffe was only 19 inches or so, but the big fish you've seen could be steelhead, or salmon, my understanding is that big fish are dumped into the lake by hatchery workers, there are other folks on this site that prob. have caught larger coho there and maybe some of those larger fish as well. I don't think that the coho live more then two or three years in freshwater which would def. limit size. I know that the size of Kokanee is determined by available food, they are plankton eaters and the more food, the more fish and larger size. i don't think the coho in Riffe are plankton eaters, lack of that food may be what keeps the state from putting koke fry in there, although one poster said they planted koke in Riffe in the early '90's. Since they breed in very selective areas, (sandy beaches in upper lake and feeder streams) most lakes are planters rather then naturally bred fish. Once again, try Merwin to catch kokes, once hooked I think you would be hooked on Kokes, they taste and fight better, just harder to catch.Check out Kokanne forum to get tips and read posts by Kokanee addicts! Good luck in Riffe this weekend, bob r
5/31/2012 9:28:00 PM
for a complete report of fish trucked upstream of mossyrock dam by T.P.U. visit mytpu.org/tacomapower/parks-rec/fish-wildlife/cowlitz-fish-report.htm .i have seen a chinook salmon caught under the 108 bridge at the east end of riffe and a mature steelhead caught in the cowlitz channel between mayfield and riffe in years past. i myself had a strike last year while trolling on riffe that sent my drag screaming and snapped 8 pound test leader bout the same time i lifted the rod from the holder! the steelhead was caught on a rostertail by my brother in law and the chinook on power bait by a good friends 12 year old son while trout fishing! fishslayer60
5/31/2012 9:39:00 PM
the fish at riffe are heavily fished. I found that if I didnt completely hide my hook in bait they wouldnt bite. Im sure they would swim by and mouth it and spit it back out when feeling the hook. Also a family fishing next to me caught at least 20 one right after another, and they were using just a small peice of worm only about 3 ft from the bobber. Ive fished them on a slip bobber up to 9 ft or so down without a bite, but within 4ft of the surface Id get the most action.
6/6/2012 11:11:00 AM
Thanks for the info. ya'll.
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709