6/26/2012 8:10:00 AM
Bob R
6/26/2012 3:47:00 PM
Bob R
6/27/2012 5:25:00 AM
6/27/2012 4:04:00 PM
Bob R
6/27/2012 7:18:00 PMfish have moved into deeper water. Our two dolly vardens were caught 30 ft.
down on a downrigger, my wife's trout was caught on a 1/2 oz. keel sinker
ahead of a spoon. A tribal fishing license is required as well.You can get a
weekend pass at the rain forest resort store on south shore road or at
Amanda Park merdcantile on highway 101. You may want to contact the poster
above who said he caught rainbows from shore, he never answered my question
about what he was using, the campgrounds on the south shore have creeks
coming out of them, I'd hit the mouths early in the morning(first light) and cast
spinners as far out as I could into the lake and let them sink before retrieve. Good
Luck, bob r

6/27/2012 10:39:00 PM
Bob R
6/28/2012 5:27:00 AM
6/28/2012 10:38:00 AM
6/28/2012 3:39:00 PM