7/5/2012 4:03:00 PM
Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service
This was the 3rd perch outing between jun 29 and july 2. Crazy easy fishing. The family (even the wife was getting into watching the kids catch fish) was fishing off the big farmers field by suncrest (spokane county side of lake). We were trolling in 12 to 16 foot of water. 16ft seemed most productive. 2 to 3 inch cranks in perch, and purple back with light or yellow bottom were most productive. Trolling speed was 1 to 1.5mph. I would vary speed quite often. Lots of fish when I would go from slow to faster with a 5 second burst of speed. Most perch are 9.5 to 10 inches. On july 2 my boy caught 3 13 inch perch, no lie measured them. I'm guessing they are post spawn and trying to put the feed bag on. Sat was the best(it was just me) I kept 18, released about 10, lost a half dozen at the boat and probably had 50 strikes that didn't stick. It was crazy especially since I was trolling. We are going to try again today. We only kept fish on 1 of the 3 days. We deep fried last night with some friends and they were awesome. No fishy taste. Water is still pretty cool 63.5 a couple feet down. This is looking like a pretty good perch year again. The fall of 2011 was pretty good for perch when trolling. I submitted quite a few reports to avista as part of their fish enhancement program so alot of my fish me weighed and measures. I caught alot of perch between 3/4 and 15 oz and even a few over a pound. As a side note about this last week, we only caught 2 pikeminnow when normally at the depth we were fishing more of them would be biting. I don't know if there are fewer or the perch were getting to the cranks first.
Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service