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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Washington Lake Report
King County, WA


Bottom Fishing From Shore
Hook & Bait

Went to Log Boom Park after fishing Green Lake earlier. Threw some chum (corn) out on the east side of the dock and went for bass while waiting for my friend. Throwing a frog under the dock (as you walk in) I caught a 13" LMB, C & R. Was trying some grubs & other wormlike shapes, nada!! When my friend showed up, we fished for carp. We used some corn & also some dough balls mixed with vanilla, nada!! I went back to fishing for bass, like the Mariners,... no hits,...


7/6/2012 5:18:00 AM
I’m told carp love cheetos. Where picnickers have access to the shoreline they work well.
7/6/2012 5:57:00 AM
Food for thought!! OK, kinda weak,... just sayin,..lol, will try again,..gotta find where johnd66 throws out,..
7/6/2012 9:51:00 AM
Great job on the Bass, bum deal on the Carp. It’s not just the where it’s the when. I’ve fished with Johnd66 and the bite is great early, multiple hits and you literally see them schooling beneath you; however, after about 9 am it simple dies. At that point I have located them in the shallows near the railing but they must be full or something because it’s really hard to get them to bite.

Also, the area where we are fishing I was pre-chumming for days, actually I would say almost two weeks. I stop by on my way home from work, 4-5 times, and throw out freebies for them, not much but enough to make them associate this spot with free food. I have actually switched to boilies and have been throwing them out to get them to see this as a feasible food source. Right now, the boilies that I plan to use are soaking to give them a stronger scent than the freebies. I plan to try them on Tuesday and will post the results.
7/6/2012 11:28:00 AM
As an afterthought if you want the initial chum mix here it is:
2 cups corn meal
2 cups bread crumbs
1 can of corn
Random amount of wild bird seed
2 tbls vanilla extract
Add water and mix until its putty and holds the shape of a ball. Good thing about this is that you actually can throw this much further away from the dock than just corn, if you want to. If I had left over/old night crawlers I would dice them and add them in there also or anything else that would give it a saline content, krill, egg roe, etc…
Basically just start chumming the area of the dock that you want to target and this will bring them. I haven’t targeted them at night and I know they are squeamish when it comes to noise and LBP can be loud, teenagers, water skiers and such, not sure if this affects them there.
7/6/2012 4:00:00 PM
Thanks!! Water was a little (?) cloudy, and yes, alot of foot traffic as well as swimmers, but will not give up that easy, thanks again!!
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709