7/10/2012 8:11:00 PM
7/11/2012 1:39:00 PM
Mike Carey
7/11/2012 8:04:00 PM
7/11/2012 8:59:00 PMI went back and found a post from sometime last year where a guy mistook a large pike minnow for a laker. If those were schools of pike minnow I was makring along the bottom in deep water it could spell trouble for the trout and salmon populations in the lake as they were mostly large marks and there were scores of fish marked in each school. Traveling over some of the larger schools I was metering fish for 100 yards at a stretch pretty consistently. That would be a really large school of predatory junk fish - EWWW!
The pattern of fish hugging the bottom contour was similar to what I observed at Chelan recently which is why I was hopeful for lakers in Riffe. - C'est la Vis!