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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Omak Lake Report
Okanogan County, WA


91° - 95°
Rainbow Trout
71° - 75°

What a scorcher! Today was blazing hot. Glad I brought 2 gallons of liquids. Should have reapplied 30 spf sunblock twice, once still got me a little burnt :(

Okay onto the fishing. We were waiting for some company so we messed around in the Mission Bay awhile. Had some strikes at the mouth of it but no real hookups. Time passed and we shot down to the south end. Decided to hit the east side first and found a few fish but they were a bit scattered. It was a tougher day then our last two outtings. Ended up with two 2 pounders and a 4 pound 4 ounce fish to the nets. Lost two good sized fish at the boat maybe 2 and 3 pounds. Had a few long ranged releases and several bites. Not an inactive day but there were some long stretches between bites. Most hookups were in 80 to 150 feet of water. Had one hookup in 65 feet of water.

Fished from 8am to 2:30pm. Did a lot of goofing off and scouting new areas. Today the MVL (most valuable lure) was once again a kingfisher lite spoon, but this time it was the blue splatterback. I think my Dad tainted my chartreuse. It was a landslide margin, like 5:1 bite ratio. Usually the blue one has half the hits as the chartreuse. Once again played with speeds around 2 to 2.4 mph. The wind was gusty for the first few hours out there so speeds were all over for a while there but we stayed within that range for the most part. Fish seemed to be biting in the 30-45 feet range again. Couldn't get anything to strike above or below that margin.

Water temps were getting warm, up to 74 in areas already. Average was 72 for most of the lake. Go out and get some sun and have a blast out there. Beercan Beach was loaded with people. Several boats out on the water and a jetski. Everybody was considerate of us and gave us plenty of room to fish. Mission beaches had maybe 20 people enjoying the weather and the south beaches also had a few groups of people.

Tight lines.


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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709