The Quadfather
8/18/2012 8:38:00 PM
8/19/2012 8:32:00 PM
Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service
Fished 3 consecutive days, 8/16-18, while staying for the first time at Wye Not Getaway B&B (http://wyenotgetaway.net/) . The fishing was not very productive for me, but I did get several strikes and a couple of hookups that got away. This B&B is pretty ideal for some casual fishing, and has plush accomodations, for couples. They provided a complimentary old wooden boat with an electric trolling motor. Two mornings in a row I woke up early, strolled down to the water, and got right to trolling. And, check out the vintage fishing lodge paraphernalia all over the walls. :)
But, the best part of this excursion was witnessing my wife catch a fish this morning, simply casting from the dock with a roostertail. On the way out to Wyle Lake, we stopped at Port Orchard Fred Meyer to purchase her first fishing license ever! :) When we got to the lake, she put the license to use right away, casting and casting. No signs of life. She even wen out in the boat with me the next day -- still nothing.
Then, this morning, in the last hour we had before we were to leave, she tells me she is going to give it one more try. I set her up a pole with a black and silver roostertail, give her a pair of needle nose pliers, and a crash course in getting a fish off the hook -- just in case -- while I go take a shower. I tell her it would be a shame if I miss her actually catching a fish, while I am in the shower, but that won't happen.
So... while I am in the shower... I hear a knock on the door. She comes in a lets me know that she did indeed catch a fish and I missed it! She said she had one on that got away at the dock, but the second one she landed released, on her own, using my lessons. And she handled it too, I figured, since she went to quickly wash her hands, then get right back down to the lake for more. I was SO proud, but a little discouraged that I missed the big moment. I leisurely finish up, pack my things to get ready to check out, fetch another cup of coffee, then stroll down to the dock to congratulate her. While I am walking down to her, she starts talking, trying to announce something, but I can't hear her well, as she is facing away towards the water. Then she says it louder: " I got another one on!!!". Now I hurry my walk down to her, trying not to spill my coffee, so I can take a photo. By the time I reach her, she has the fish dockside -- a maybe 8 inch rainbow trout. I pull the fish out of the water, hand it to her for a photo, and history is made. Pure joy for me, and for her. That smile on her face is one I don't remember ever having seen, and definitely one of the happiest.
I gave this report a four star rating to commemorate her first fishing action as an adult. :D
Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service