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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Kapowsin Lake Report
Pierce County, WA



76° - 80°
Top Fishing From Boat
Largemouth Bass
Mostly Sunny
71° - 75°

What is in this lake?! I noticed a lot of oily looking scum on the surface and when I took my boat out it was all brown on the bottom and it would not wash off. My trailer was covered in the same brown stain. I had to use oven cleaner to cut through the brown stain and clean my boat. Not sure if eating fish from this lake is a good idea. Has there been a hazardous waste spill? Not sure if I will be back

Lots of fish on the radar but getting them to bite is the trick. We caught a few bass under a pound and hooked a few trout 13 to 14 inch.

Many many many dead heads. Be very careful


9/18/2012 10:05:00 AM
I was raised within a mile of Kapowsin Lake and have fished it countless times over the years. The brown tint to the water has always been there and is totally natural. It's caused by the decaying wood which obviously abounds in its waters. Because there are no homes on the lake other than Ericson's Resort, I would not have the slightest idea where a hazardous waste spill would come from, if that was what you actually saw, or if it was a natural bloom of some kind. The only industry close by is the old Champion logging camp. And I don't know to what extent that's used anymore. Its main operations shut down back in 1986. And much further up the hill is a gravel quarry. But any spill, which I would guess would be mechanical or hydrolic oil could have only made it to the lake through rain run off, which we haven't had much of for quite a spell. There are only two stream coming into the lake. One at its southern end, which comes from Ohops Lake several miles away and flows through woods and farmland, and a small stream that runs down the hill from the old town of Kapowsin. So I don't know what to say.
9/18/2012 11:07:00 PM
I was out there on Sunday, and it looked normal to me, it's always has a black tint to it, whatever it is the bass like it.
9/25/2012 2:17:00 PM
I'm not talking about the dark tinted water. This was a film on top of the water. It looked oily with brown foam in some places. When we returned to the ramp it was all around the ramp area. Just putting my trailer in to get my boat put a nice brown film all over the trailer. Rinsing did nothing. Soap and a brush got about 50% BBQ/oven cleaner got the rest off.
9/27/2012 8:55:00 AM
Photo added.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709