10/15/2012 2:42:00 PM
10/15/2012 2:43:00 PM
Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service
Decided to quick fish at Nahwatzel on Saturday. Little did I know what I had in store. Started by trolling straight out from the launch and got a quick big bite on the line. Reeled it right to the boat and it broke the line as I was reaching for my net, it was a monster too. Trolled counter clockwise around the lake and the rain started to come in, nothing to bad. Had a bite or two but didn't catch anything. I come back by the launch and another boat is reeling in a ton of rainbows in the southeast corner so I do the same. The fish are biting like crazy and I can get my hook in the water fast enough. I'm having a blast and getting pretty wet. What I didn't know is that King Neptune had a typhoon of rain and wind on its way. I'm fishing and getting soaked, I can hardly hold my rod and steer the boat but the fish keep just biting, over and over again. All of em beauty's too, would have fed a village with all the fish I caught. Threw them all back. I had to at one point bail out the canoe because the water was ankle deep. Why I stayed I don't know, OH YEAH the fish. They don't stop biting and they are fighting like crazy, 2-3lb's each and I had one that was just mammoth fight for a good couple of minutes. I would pull them in and take the hook out and the water was so deep in the canoe that they would swim underneath me back into the motor mount and battery. It was crazy fun, I was soaked head to toe. Two other boats were doing it too, they looked a bit more prepared and a nice guy was at the launch fishing. All of us were catching fish and all of us were hootin and hollerin. Lost count of how many, but by weight probably the most I've ever caught on a lake.
Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service