charlie h.
10/23/2012 5:04:00 PMNice to see you and Cindy holding up those nice Trips. Thanks for the report.
Charlie H.

blufin loui
10/23/2012 9:54:00 PM
Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service
Another great day in Paradise!! Woke up early Sunday AM and over the morning cup asked ole Cinders if she felt up to another trip to Rufus. "Give me time for a second cup" she said, so after a few more sips we were getting everthing ready for another day on the water. We were at the Corps launch and in the water around 0815 or so and headed up river to the Lower pens again. The water temp had dropped a couple of degrees since yesterday and the wind was calm. At a cool 33 degrees, the ride up was chilling, but with the coveralls on, it wasn't too uncomfortable. When we arrived at the lower pens area we noticed there was current, not fast moving water but enough current to drift jigs. With smiles on our faces and great expectations we started casting to current breaks below the pens, and started getting hits in the first few casts. The fish were hitting lightly, so lots of missed strikes. We tried a little of everyting in the box this trip. When the bite would slow, we'd change up and get bit again. The most success came on a 1/16 oz black Maribou jig with a few strands of red flashabou, and the brown color was second. We caught fish on most all we tried but those were the most consistent producers. The fish ranged from 5 pounds to 6 pounds 9oz today, and Cindy caught the biggest fish this trip. She was pretty proud of that fish. As we were using single barbless hooks, we were able to have the option of C&R on all but one of the fish. We kept a limit of fat fiesty fish and had a great time. There were two other boats we saw in the area and one boat limited with a kid using a zebco 33 and power bait, and an older gentleman flyfishing. The youngster had a real workout on his second fish as it looked to weigh 5-6 pounds. Lots of hollerin and cranking that handle. The older gentleman in the boat flyfished and was doing pretty good, but I didn't get a chance to ask what he was useing. The scenery is great at this time of year, so if you get a chance, get out and enjoy it.
Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service