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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Smelling Lake Report
Snohomish County, WA



41° - 45°
Stationary Fly Fishing
Cutthroat Trout
Floating Fly Line
41° - 45°

Winter is starting to set in, and i didnt do well in the rivers at all this year. So i had to find another venue to get my fishing fix. The lowland lakes dont tend to do me much justice this time of year so this morning i made a snap decision to do some fishing in the foothills to see if the lakes produce good bites during the winter months when most other lakes are nearly devoid of biting fish( at least it seems that way to me) i set out to my favorite set of lakes in
granite falls and chose the lake i fished last time(due to the catching that went on last time) on to the report....

This is not a fishing report it is a CATCHING REPORT :)
I arrived at smelling lake at 11:00am after a gorgeous little hike..weather wasnt desirable but bearable 5_10mph gusts light rain and about 45°F. First thing i did was tie on a brown conehead wooley bugger and proceded to make my first cast from the logs near shore. My fly hit the water about 35 or so feet away.. I let it sit for a couple seconds then slowly pulled about 6 ft of line (very slowly and steadily.. No twitches) bam first fish on first cast .. And landed.. 10" cutt.. next cast same thing 3rd cast trout hit the fly as soon as it hit the water. It just absolutely clobbered it for only being 8" i was pretty amazed by its vicious strike.this went on for 45 or so minutes.. Almost every cast produced at least a bite if not fish on. I ended up keeping 2 that i thought looked decent within that first 45 minutes.. At about noon the action started to decelerate by this point id caught at least 40 trout and kept the 2. So i decided i wasnt going home without my limit so i decided to switch my tactics entirely i switched to my ul and threw panther martin size 4 silver spinner.. This produced a few more fish but not like the bugger did..2 were injured by the hook so i kept them.only needing 1 more fish i kept at it casting and casting but the bite stopped. So i busted out the worms.. First cast bam and my day was done. Went home with a decent limit of cutts, smile ear to ear after catching countless trout.


12/4/2012 6:50:00 AM
A day to remember! Thanks for the report.
12/4/2012 12:24:00 PM
The cut's are so wild looking. Big heads, slender bodies. The eye's of each fish, seems to stand out due to it's large size. Awesome jonb! Thanks for sharing your experiences.
12/5/2012 9:00:00 AM
The fish definitely look funny. However, you got lots of fun.
Thanks for the nice report!
12/5/2012 6:34:00 PM
When i gutted them 1 had eggs in her 2 had male organs, and the other 2 didnt show any signs that yhey had spawned, the meat is dark red (darkest red meat ive ever seen come from a trout, ill pm picks of the,eggs and the meat if youd likr.. These fish sre definately wild,
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709