1/28/2013 10:07:00 AMKinda reminds me of a scene in the movie "on Golden pond". Where Peter Fonda lets his young nephew drive the boat for the first time. They are in the search for "Walter" the largest Rainbow in the lake. To get to the fishing "spot". Fonda stands look out at the bow of the boat. Barking out directions at the nephew. On which direction to steer the boat, away from the barely, submerged boulders. Fonda startles the kid, kid knee jerks the throttle, hits a boulder, launching the old man forward, out of the boat. Fonda has blood on his forehead, barely floating in the frigid water. Kid has to pull Grandpa into the boat, and with no help, work his way out of the mine field to reach medical assistance for Gramp's. Grandma places both "Boys" on boat restriction. But at some point during Gramp's at home recovery. The "Boys" sneak out of the cabin, jump into the boat. kid steers through the boulder gauntlet. With Gramp's, gauze patch taped to his forehead. Once again, at the bow on boulder watch. This time they catch "Walter".

1/28/2013 12:54:00 PM
1/28/2013 2:27:00 PM
1/28/2013 5:38:00 PM
2/4/2013 6:59:00 PM