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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

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Rufus Woods Lake Report
Douglas County, WA



26° - 30°
Rainbow Trout
Under 40°

Put the boat in at the Corps launch above chief Joseph Dam around 0830, and headed up river. hit a couple spots on the lower end with no bites, and there were bank fishers in a couple other spots I usually hit, so headed on up to the lower most pens. I had put in a special request to JigMiester for some "Unscented" lures that he is now making so I could do the C&R. So Jiggie had made me up some unscented models of his Hot Lure selection. Well the fog was thick and the air temp in the middle 20s, so I was having to scrape ice from the windshield as I headed up the river. The fog lifted some about half way up to the pens, and it was good to see the wildlife. There were deer along the banks and eagles in the trees. The waterfowl were plentyfull also. When I got to the lowermost pens there was only one boat, on the shore side of the pens, so I motored over to the edge of the pen structure and dropped a jig over the side. No current at the time, so it was push the boat along with the trolling motor and mooch. I started out with Jiggies Minnow and had a couple of hits in the first 15 minutes or so, then BAM. Fish on. I was using a 7 foot UL with 4# line and I had a hot one on. No arial displays, but bent rod and screaming clutch. Finally got a nice 18-20 inch streamlined Rainbow to boatside. Unhooked it and watched it swim for the deeps. No other action for awhile, and was marking fish at the 20-30 foot range over 80 ft of water. Hooked up a brown and orange 1/8th oz jig on the 6# line outfit. Jiged for 20minutes or so and hooked into another fighter. This time I netted a nice 7# fatboy. No C&R for this badboy. Fished around the pens and came back to the front/river side of the pens without any hits. After no luck for awhile, I tied on a bright orange 1/8 oz jig. It was still no current so I was drifting upriver alongside the pens letting the breeze push me along. Finally got a tap tap, set the hook and the fight was on again. As it was getting around 1:30 or so, I decided to keep this one if I could get it to the net. A fat 5#er went into the cooler. Ended the day with 6-8 hits and three hookups, with two going into the cooler. Spoke with 3 other groups of fishermen/women and everyone was haveing a tough day, so I felt pretty lucky to be able to fillet a limit of Rufus Woods Fatboys. Can't wait for better fishing days to put JigMiester's lure to the test. Today was a tough day, but I endedr up with 4 hits on Jiggie's Lure, so I have High expectations. Tight lines and hungry fish.


2/3/2013 9:10:00 PM
Sweet! Good to see you getting out. Is that fawn a Whitetail cross? Thanks for the great pics.
2/4/2013 5:31:00 AM
Good to see you're back on the water Lewis, nice pair of RW piggies too! Thanks for sharing the nice scenery. ;-)
charlie h.
2/4/2013 7:33:00 AM
You da-man Loui, nice fish ! Have you ever picked up any Kokanee in Rufus ?

Charlie H.
2/4/2013 8:30:00 AM
Nice to see you out. Great pix. Those lures work, and nice reminder that scent counts as bait. Makes me want to hit RW!
2/4/2013 8:53:00 AM
Great detailed report.and supper pictures. Makes me want to head over it has been to long since my last visiy
2/4/2013 10:03:00 AM
I miss reading your reports. I wish we could alert per user instead of just body of water. Keep fishing!
2/4/2013 10:19:00 AM
Great report Loui, beautiful pictures and fine detail. Someday Barb and I are going to go over there and try to catch one of those beauties. I noticed the cord around your neck, with what looks like a remote control attached, is that for a Garmin TR-1 Autopilot?
blufin loui
2/4/2013 5:14:00 PM
Hello AFK, good eyes you have as the one fawn sure has a "Whitetail" looking tail. Could be a cross.
blufin loui
2/4/2013 5:15:00 PM
your welcome hewesfisher, the scenery sure is nice up that way.
blufin loui
2/4/2013 5:17:00 PM
hi ya charlie h. I've not caught any Kokes out of Rufus and haven't heard of any in a few years. Not sure of the status. Take care and thanks for the comment
blufin loui
2/4/2013 5:23:00 PM
FishinChristian, I have high hopes for them. It is hard to find plastic that don't have scent added. I was lucky in that Jiggie is willing to work with me. next I'll have to try for custom colors for the Ruff. LOL
blufin loui
2/4/2013 5:24:00 PM
Hey ganno, I was thinking of that day when I met you while at the pens. Just wasn't as active a bite this time. Take care.
blufin loui
2/4/2013 5:25:00 PM
thank you Toni, I've missed contributing to the report pool. Maybe I can get back in the swing of fishing soon. Stay safe and well
blufin loui
2/4/2013 5:33:00 PM
KenBarb, Thanks for the kind words. Rufus Woods is a beautiful place to fish, and at times can be really active on the fishing front. the control isn't for a Garmin TR-1 Autopilot , unfortunately, but just a wireless controll for a MinnKota V drive. No complaints though as I can fish from anywhere in the boat and still manage the boat positioning. Please send hellos to Miss Barb, and you two stay well and safe.
2/4/2013 5:45:00 PM
Hey Lewis, Jeremy says those are football fish in honor of the Superbowl!
blufin loui
2/4/2013 6:54:00 PM
LOL, tell jeremy I wish he had been with me to Honoring of the SuperBowl.
2/5/2013 9:21:00 PM
Nice to see you out on the water. I am hoping to make my way there to fish Rufus again. Great pics, hope to hear more from you in the near future.
blufin loui
2/6/2013 7:54:00 AM
Thanks for the comment Salmonking, It would be great to see ya on the water and swap a few lies. LOL When you get a chance to fish RW again, Drop me a line, and if I have any up-to-date info, I'd be glad to share.
The Jigmiester
2/6/2013 4:54:00 PM
Hey Loui. Nice to see you catchin' a few Triploids on the custom bugs I sent you. Fishin'Christian and I are getting ready to put them to the test at the Quincy lakes trout derby in March. I have high hopes for these jigs as Joe Scmidt is helping me to perfect the line of Rufus Triploid Trout Killer jigs, If any of you walakers are interested in trying those jigs,email me at dobberdeluxe@ yahoo.com. Can't wait too get out and fish with you again Lewis! Take care, Jiggy
Big Smooth
2/16/2013 7:17:00 PM
Lewis, me and boys will be making it back over to RW next weekend. If your around I'll make it a point to say hi. Tight-lines and great reports as always.

Mike Carey
2/16/2013 8:06:00 PM
Some of the best fish pics I have seen in a long time. Great report, thanks - and thanks for the smoked trout - yum!
blufin loui
2/17/2013 10:56:00 PM
Hey big smooth, probably wont be on the RW , but if you happen to see me out there just give a holler. Wishing you the best of luck out there.
blufin loui
2/17/2013 10:57:00 PM
Hey ya Mike, you're welcome. hope you and Joanne enjoy them.
blufin loui
2/17/2013 10:57:00 PM
Hey ya Mike, you're welcome. hope you and Joanne enjoy them.
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709